How We Play Kickball
Some more about how we get our kick on!
1. A standard full team in the field consists of 5 guys and 5 girls at a time. 10 players maximum in the field, including the catcher. There are no rules on who must play which positions. If you have less than 5 guys and/or 5 girls, you are allowed to play with up to this many of each gender on the field.
2. All active players will be put into the kicking order. If you will be playing in the field even for 1 inning, you must kick. If you kick, you do not have to field. You can change fielding positions at anytime, but once the game starts, the kicking order may not be altered. Teams must send up players to kick as every other gender. To keep your lineup going like this where everyone kicks equally and there’s no plug and play kickers being sent up, set it up with separate lists, going through them until each person has kicked. Then go back through the lists and make tally marks after they go again. This makes sure you keep the order consistent and everyone kicks equally.
3. There are 6 ways to get out: 1) striking out, 2) fouling out, 3) the runner being tagged by the ball, 4) the runner being hit by the ball (below the head!) while going between bases (even if you’re tagged and the ball is dropped), 5) a fly ball caught by the defense or 6) thrown out at a lead base.
3.5 When the play is dead and runners have stopped advancing, fielders will get the ball to the pitcher. At this time the play will be over and runners must stay on their base. We don’t allow you to sneakily take bases during this time, so don’t try that. Also, the play may be determined dead by the ump even before the ball is given to the pitcher. Umps will not verbally call out “time” after every play, but in a situation where he/she determined it was dead and then runners try to advance, they will be sent back.
4. At Gill Park there is a parking garage in right field (see pic below). There is a decent chance that if you hit a strong fly ball into right field (or possibly center field), that the ball will go OVER the top wall and into the garage. If this happens, we may lose the ball and need to use a new one. There are a limited number of balls at the field each night, so to deter you from aiming there, if a ball goes over the top wall, or into the garage in any way, it will be considered an OUT and no players may advance. Then the following inning you’ve gotta go into the garage and fetch the ball. BUT if the ball hits the wall in fair territory it will be considered a live ball, which can still be caught on a fly for the out.
7. The pitcher and fielders must stay behind the pitcher’s mound until the ball has been kicked. Kickers and catchers may not cross home plate until the ball has been kicked. Kickers must not kick the ball until it reaches close to home plate. We allow you to kick slightly in front of the plate, especially if the plate in the ground is close to the backstop fence, but if you basically charge the mound and kick it wayyy in front of the plate that’s an illegal kick. On these kicks, the fielding team may still catch the ball and you are out and runners may not advance. Also, 3 strikes/fouls and you’re out. There are no walks.
14. Full games are 7 innings. If there’s a really big lead by one team and we’re running behind on the schedule because lots of scoring takes up time, your ump may decide to deduct 1 inning from your game. Your ump will always announce if there will be 1 less inning played with at least 1 full inning remaining. Ties are allowed if no time remains, but we do have a way to try and break the tie with 1 extra inning if there’s time for it. If 2 teams tie, then both teams win which is the best right!? There’s always playoffs redemption!
17. There is a STRICT NO CONTACT RULE in effect that BOTH teams must be aware of. Runners must do everything they can to avoid contact, but fielders also must be aware of where they are positioned in relation to the runners and do everything in their power to avoid contact as well. FIELDERS, DO NOT BLOCK THE BASES. If you block the base or impede the runner from getting to the base, interference may be called and the runner called safe. If you take your last few steps while running home to go around a baseman that’s blocking the base so you don’t plow em over, we’ll likely call you safe. The ump will make the call as to who’s at fault with the contact and make the appropriate call as to whether it is safe or out. Situations that arise from contact may warrant a playing being ejected from the game at the ump’s discretion. It is the umpire’s judgment call as to what the call will be. Just remember that this is a fun league and we’re here to just have fun, so avoid contact AT ALL COSTS.
18. Your team forfeits if by 10 minutes after scheduled game start time, you do not have at least 7 players, including at least 2 of each gender. We always want to play games rather than forfeit cuz that’s just more fun, so the ump may decide to give a team a little additional time to get enough players so we can play an official game. The score of a forfeit game will be 10-0. Tell your team as soon as you know if you can’t make a game!
Those are the rules! Just remember to play fair, have fun, and be safe.
First Offense: 10-0 loss of game and warning issued.
Second Offense: 10-0 loss of second game and S3 reserves the right to remove team from the league or playoffs with no refund for games not played.
Third Offense: Automatic removal from the league with no refund for games not played.
The reason for the harshness of this is because we want all teams to be able to play. If your team is a no-show, then the other team also doesn’t get to play, and that’s not cool. So just get subs or at least let us know if you’re not going to make it!
If you know in advance that your team will be forfeiting a match, you are required to email us at so we can let your opponent know that you won’t be showing up or try to get others to attend in your time slot for us to do a pick up game!