Spring Seasons Start in April & May
Be Active & Get Social This Spring!
We've got the most fun leagues in Chicago.
Want to Get Social before Springtime?
Thursday Family Feud Trivia & Thursday Singles Skeeball (for singles!) begin on March 13th!
Sign Up A Full Team, Join With Friends or By Yourself
Full teams join all the time, plus we create free agent teams in each league that include coed players around the same age. Sign up and request to play with friends and you’re guaranteed to play together. Or join solo! That’s common too.
We pride ourselves in running the most organized & SOCIAL leagues that you’ll ever play in. And we’re the ONLY leagues where after games ALL teams walk to the same nearby bar for post-game parties and exclusive specials!
As an independently run and Chicago based league organization, we’re proud to offer the lowest prices while still providing the best overall league experience! Our full team fees are $100-$200 less for a season than other leagues in the city. Free agent players save $25-$35 too! And first time groups of 3+, email us for a special discount!