Covid-19 Preventative Measures at Matball Games & Guidelines for Participation

*Prior to and during your season, S3 Leagues will be closely monitoring Covid-19 advice and guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) as well as local and state officials. We will continually educate our umpires on updated preventative measures, require day of umpiring temperature checks and that they inform us immediately and stay home if feeling unwell or displaying Covid-19 symptoms.

This list includes important safety precautions and guidelines that we and our players must follow at games. We need EVERY registered participant to read this in its entirety so we’re all on the same page before attending games. First you will see bullet points that provide a brief outline of each item. For those that want more detail and understanding related these requirements, please read the information below that.


Effective in Chicago on January 3, 2022, any individual age 5 and older will be required to show proof of vaccination to dine o