How We Play Flag Football
How we get our flag grabbin' on!
The Basics
It’s important that you read these basic rules below. The full rules are at the bottom.
All games will have a trained referee who will be calling the game, making sure they run smoothly, and most importantly keeping things light and fun. Do not ever argue with the referee. You are wasting your breath.
– 6 point touchdowns (awesome, respectful touchdown dances encouraged)
Those are the basic rules! Just remember to play fair, have fun, and be safe.
All The Rules (In Detail.)
Equipment and Shirts
Field Dimensions
Game Start/Coin Toss
Game Clock
– an incomplete pass
– a player goes out of bounds
– a team scores (the clock doesn’t start again until the team has snapped the ball after receiving the kick after the score)
– possession changes
– a penalty is called and adjustments made to line of scrimmage
- A time out is called. Each team gets (2) 30 second timeouts per game
Play Clock
Change of Possession/Punting
Overtime (only in playoffs)
Players on the field
Line of scrimmage
– Players acting as offensive lineman must have hands behind their back or at their side when protecting their quarterback from pursuing defensive rushers. There is no contact at or behind the line of scrimmage. Offensive lineman can position their body at any particular angle in an attempt to the direct the rushers to a particular area, but they may not physically direct them or initiate contact. Defensive players cannot initiate contact with the offensive player. Offensive players must try to go around the defensive player, NOT through them.
– Important: A female must be the primary target of a play in at least one of every three plays or there will be a Illegal Procedure penalty and result in a loss of down. This means the girl must be the OBVIOUS the target of a pass, get the ball on a run, or be the quarterback. If you get a first down on second down for example, you still need to include a girl as the primary target for the next play. This ensures female participation in the games! After you score, this rule expires until your next possession and starts anew. PAT plays can go to anyone and do not apply to this girl rule.
– This is a NON CONTACT & NON BLOCKING game. No downfield blocking or blocking on the line of scrimmage.
Flag Guarding, Spinning and Diving
– NO FLAG GUARDING: This will merit a 10 Yard Penalty and loss of down.
QB Runs
Defensive Coverage
Force Outs
No Run Zones
Forward Passes
– Only one forward pass is allowed per down.
2. We’ll keep this short and sweet because it goes without saying and we’ve already said this 100 times. This is going to be a fun, social league. Any unacceptable behavior, cursing, insulting, or anything determined by referee to take away from the low-key meaning of the league WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Of course winning is cool, but seriously, getting worked up over this doesn’t even make any sense. You’re here to have fun.
Please Note:
The reason for the harshness of this is because we want all teams to be able to play. If your team is a no-show, then the other team also doesn’t get to play, and that’s not cool. So just get subs or at least let us know if you’re not going to make it!
If you know in advance that your team will be forfeiting a match, you are required to email us at so we can let your opponent know that you won’t be showing up or try to get others to attend in your time slot for us to do a pick up game!