Covid-19 Preventative Measures at Volleyball Games & Guidelines for Participation
*Prior to and during your season, S3 Leagues will be closely monitoring Covid-19 advice and guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) as well as local and state officials. We will continually educate our league staff on updated preventative measures, require day of daily health attestations and that they inform us immediately and stay home if feeling unwell or displaying Covid-19 symptoms.
This list includes important safety precautions and guidelines that we and our players must follow at games. We need EVERY registered participant to read this in its entirety so we’re all on the same page before hitting the beach.
- First and most importantly, if any player is feeling generally unwell or experiencing Covid-19 symptoms as defined by the CDC here, YOU MUST STAY HOME AND NOT ATTEND THE GAME OR SPONSOR BAR AT ALL. There is a zero tolerance policy with this, so don’t make our league staff have to send you home. We must ALL look out for each other during these times, and that includes being responsible for yourself with regard to this. If you have allergies and are coughing and sneezing/sniffling regularly, highly consider staying home until it subsides just to be sure. If you choose to attend and are displaying allergy symptoms, you are required to wear a mask at all times. Help us all protect each other by not taking chances and putting others at risk.
- ALL players and ALL subs must sign our digital waivers HERE before participating.
- Prior to every game every night, the league coordinator will ask each team if everyone in attendance is feeling well today. All team members must reply verbally “Yes” to affirm they are all feeling well. Next the coordinator will ask all team members if any of them have any symptoms of Covid-19, have been exposed to or in close contact with anyone who has tested positive for Covid-19 or themselves tested positive for Covid-19. All team members must reply verbally “No” to be allowed to play.
- You must maintain 6 feet of social distance from your league coordinator.
- If currently being required by state and/or city mandate for outdoor gatherings, all players must wear a face covering over their mouth and nose while on the sidelines and not playing on the court. If there is not a current mandate in place for Chicago, wearing masks will be optional.
- If a mask mandate is in effect, bandanas, neck gaiters, balaclavas or masks with valves are not allowed as they have been proven not to provide sufficient protection to you and others.
- More than ever, we expect players to be calm and non-argumentative during games to prevent the spread of respiratory droplets.
- Do not touch any parts of your face during the game. If you must cough or sneeze, do it into your sleeve or shirt.
- Maintain social distance of 6+ ft. between players when possible on and off the court.
- Non-roster spectators are discouraged. If attending, they must maintain social distance.
- Leave the court area immediately after your game so the next teams can get ready to play. Teams that arrive for the next game must wait away from the courts until teams have left to take their sides.
- Upon arrival each night, before touching any shared league equipment or supplies, all league participants are required to sanitize their hands with hand sanitizer provided by S3. Players will also be provided hand sanitizer after the match has concluded. If additional sanitizing of your hands is desired during the game, players are encouraged to bring their own sanitizer.
- S3 encourages all players to bring their own game ball to minimize use of shared equipment. League staff will spray sanitize the S3 provided game balls after every match.
- Handshakes/walking of the line will not be done after games. Just yell “Good game!”
- Lastly, S3 leagues usually run smoothly and super organized. We’re working to ensure your season will too! But in case there are some minor issues or inconveniences, both S3 and our league sponsor bars are operating in a tricky and ever changing time. So we ask for your understanding with this. Let’s all appreciate being able to play some laid back and social sports! Follow the rules, be chill and help make it a fun and harmonious season for everyone. Thanks!
Requirements & Guidelines for League Umpires, Coordinators & Staff
- All S3 staff attending leagues or events will be required to submit a daily attestation that they are feeling well, not displaying any Covid-19 symptoms, have not been exposed to Covid-19 or tested positive.
- S3 Staff understand the importance of being honest about this with no fear of retribution for being unable to attend their shifts, even if last minute.